[ade Calhoun Series Book 9] - Dragons of Bourbon Street Page 19
“Where is he?” I panted.
“The club. He’ll probably be at the street before we can get even get down these stairs.”
The contractions came on hard and fast, making it almost impossible for me to walk. Pyper did manage to get me down the first set of stairs but then pulled out her phone again and called Kane. “New plan. There’s a parking lot behind Washington Artillery Park. Meet us there.”
“Is he coming?” I asked through gritted teeth.
Before she could answer, Kane’s Lexus screeched to a stop right beside us. Kane jumped out, picked me up, and slid me into the back seat, then yelled at Pyper to drive.
She jumped in, and before I knew it, we were tearing out of the parking lot, dodging tourists with precision.
“Hey, shortcake,” Kane said, rubbing my shoulders. “Are you all right?”
“I am now,” I said, smiling up at him. “Are you ready to meet our daughter?”
“More than you can imagine.” He pressed a kiss to my forehead and placed his hand on my belly just as a contraction hit.
I let out a low moan but welcomed the pain. I’d waited for this day for so long. It was worth any amount of pain to hold my daughter in my arms. Or at least that’s what I told myself.
By the time we reached the hospital, I was covered in sweat and was certain the baby was on her way out.
What actually happened was I labored for fourteen long hours, most of it in my back. Healer Hanna tried everything from special herbs to more walking, lunges, squatting, and even a warm bath.
By the time midnight rolled around, I was begging for a C-section.
“I just want to hold my daughter,” I whined.
Kane wiped my brow with a cool cloth. “It won’t be long now, babe. Hanna says you’re almost there. It’s almost time to start pushing.”
“That’s what she said hours ago.” It wasn’t true, but it sure felt like it. Back labor was a bitch.
“Okay, Jade. Let me take one more look,” Hanna said.
I lay back against the pillows and closed my eyes, gritting my teeth as another contraction hit.
“Good. Very good, Jade,” Hanna said. “This is perfect. Okay, push. Push now.”
Kane moved to the field of birth but didn’t let go of my hand. I clamped my fingers around his and pushed with everything I had.
My insides felt like they were being ripped right out of me, but all I could think about was seeing my little girl’s face for the first time. I already had a picture of her in my mind with a patch of bright red hair, brilliant green eyes, and Kane’s nose. She was soft and pink and full of smiles.
“Is that a storm outside?” one of the nurses asked.
“It sure is,” Hanna said. “This little girl is making her presence known.”
Magic swirled around us, causing the lights to flicker on and off in time with the boom of the thunder and the flickers of lightning, while wind rattled the windows.
All the while, all I saw was her sweet face.
“Push, Jade,” Hanna encouraged.
“There she is. Oh my god, Jade,” Kane said, tears in his voice. “I see her. She’s almost here.”
I clutched his hand, floating in almost a dream state as the storm raged outside.
“One more push. There you go,” Hanna said.
I nearly came right off the bed as I bore down and pushed with everything I had.
“There she is,” Hanna said. “Come here, Dad. You hold her first. There you go.”
I peered over my belly, trying to get my first glimpse of our girl.
Kane was there, tears rolling down his cheeks as he stared down at her. Then he looked up, met my gaze, and said, “She’s perfect. Just perfect, love.”
“Give her to mama now,” Hanna said gently. “It’s time to cut the cord.”
Kane handed her off to Hanna, who placed her on my belly.
My vision blurred, but not before I noticed the splash of red hair and the perfect, familiar nose. The noise from the storm disappeared, and the lights stopped flickering as my daughter made cooing noises. Kane was right. She was perfect.
The sun shone through the hospital window, illuminating my daughter’s sweet face. It was morning, and I was sitting up in the bed, watching her sleep. Kane was lying beside us, one arm wrapped around my shoulder as he snoozed just as soundly as the baby.
Happiness like I’d never felt filled my heart and radiated out, filling all the empty spaces inside me I hadn’t even known existed. For the first time in my life, I felt perfectly content. Like I could live in this moment forever and be completely fulfilled.
I knew it had to be the post-labor endorphins that were affecting me, but I didn’t care. It was a moment I’d remember and cherish forever.
“You did it,” Kane said softly.
I glanced over at him and smiled into his sleepy chocolate-brown eyes. “We did it.”
He gave me a tiny shake of his head. “I did the easy part.” His lips twitched. “Many, many times I might add. To my great pleasure.”
I chuckled. “Yes, you did.”
He reached up and brushed a lock of hair out of my eyes. “She needs a name.”
“She does,” I agreed. “I was thinking Juliet Eloise would be nice.”
“Eloise was my mamaw’s name,” he said, softly caressing his daughter’s head.
“I know how much you loved her.” I reached up and pressed my palm to his cheek. His mamaw had been the one and only person in his youth who’d made him feel loved. Before Pyper and I had come along, she’d been the only one who really cared for him. His parents… they had been the selfish type. “We can make it her first name if you prefer.”
He gazed at me with so much love in his eyes I thought my heart might burst right out of my chest. “No, love. Juliet Eloise is perfect. Mamaw would approve.”
“I wish I could’ve met her,” I said, watching as our daughter opened her eyes and stared up at us.
“She would’ve loved you just as much as I do, shortcake.”
“I hope so.”
We were silent as we both gazed in awe at Juliet. Then she opened her mouth and let out a loud cry, letting us know that from that moment on, our lives would never be the same again.
And all I could think was Thank the gods.
Kane grinned at me. “She’s got quite the lungs on her.”
I nodded. “And just think, you told me last month you wanted at least three of these.”
“Now I’m thinking four.” His eyes flashed with mischief. “Remind me to ask Healer Hanna when we can get started on the next one.”
“Good goddess, man. Keep it in your pants,” I said with a laugh. “Let me enjoy this one first.” But as I gazed up at him, love consumed me. A vision took hold and I saw the two of us in our old age, surrounded by four beautiful children. Two had strawberry blond hair like mine, and two had thick dark hair like his.
“Don’t worry, love. I’m not in that big of a hurry,” he said, kissing the top of my head.
I leaned into him with a contented sigh and said, “You know, Kane, if you play your cards right, I think we’re both going to end up with everything we ever wanted.”
He tightened his arm around me and whispered, “I think we probably already have.”
Get Spirits, Spells, and Wedding Bells (Pyper Rayne, Book 5).
Want more books featuring witches, love, and friendship? Check out Soul of the Witch, the first book in the Witches of Keating Hollow series.
To learn about Deanna’s new releases sign up for her newsletter here. Do you prefer text alerts? Text WITCHYBOOKS to 24587 for news and updates.
Deanna’s Book List
Pyper Rayne Novels:
Spirits, Stilettos, and a Silver Bustier
Spirits, Rock Stars, and a Midnight Chocolate Bar
Spirits, Beignets, and a Bayou Biker Gang
Spirits, Diamonds, and a Drive-thru Daiquiri Stand
Spirits, Spells, a
nd Wedding Bells
Jade Calhoun Novels:
Haunted on Bourbon Street
Witches of Bourbon Street
Demons of Bourbon Street
Angels of Bourbon Street
Shadows of Bourbon Street
Incubus of Bourbon Street
Bewitched on Bourbon Street
Hexed on Bourbon Street
Dragons of Bourbon Street
Witches of Keating Hollow:
Soul of the Witch
Heart of the Witch
Spirit of the Witch
Dreams of the Witch
Courage of the Witch
Love of the Witch
Last Witch Standing:
Soulless at Sunset
Bloodlust By Midnight
Bitten At Daybreak
Witch Island Brides:
The Vampire’s Last Dance
The Wolf’s New Year Bride
The Warlock’s Enchanted Kiss
The Shifter’s First Bite
Crescent City Fae Novels:
Influential Magic
Irresistible Magic
Intoxicating Magic
Destiny Novels:
Defining Destiny
Accepting Fate
About the Author
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Deanna Chase, is a native Californian, transplanted to the slower paced lifestyle of southeastern Louisiana. When she isn't writing, she is often goofing off with her husband in New Orleans or playing with her two shih tzu dogs. For more information and updates on newest releases visit her website at deannachase.com.